There is more
to music than
meets the ear.


Welcome to L’Okapi. A new community-empowered initiative, founded by Dutch-Burundian singer songwriter Charlotte Haesen and rooted in the cultural heart of Maastricht. L’Okapi amplifies the power of music and local voices, and explores how music can be used as an instrument to improve mental well-being. For a healthier and more connected society.

L’Okapi aims to be a haven for everyone to play, listen, learn, connect or share what’s on their mind through the universal language of music. Whether as a musician or a scientist, professional or amateur, student or caregiver.

Feel free to join our jungle!

  • For Music & Mental Well-being
    We are a relevant, inclusive and accessible community, that stimulates creative expression, creates awareness and contributes to mental well-being. Inside and outside the music industry. We are selective for those who are vulnerable, not exclusive.

  • For Expression & Connection
    A nomadic space to enjoy music, express yourself creatively, meet new people, showcase your talent, connect with peers, learn from each other, and share experiences. Fueled by the energy of local artists, cultural institutes and social organisations. Both on and off stage.

  • For Empowerment & Change
    From workshops and talks to concerts and research. There's something for everyone to enjoy, explore, share insights, gain new skills, collaborate on or take action. Whether big or small. For yourself and (together with) others.

At the heart of L’Okapi

The universal language of music

Music is an integral part of our identity, culture and society - influencing everyday life. From birthday songs and childhood lullabies to personalised playlists and national anthems. It’s a powerful force. For us as a society and as individuals.


L'Okapi Music Maastricht

Sounds of society

Although the origin and influence of music have fascinated philosophers and scientists for centuries, it's only recently that its connection with mental health and social well-being have come into serious focus. More and more, research reveals how music can lift someone's mood, help them express their emotions, and reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

In today’s rapidly changing world, where mental health problems, polarisation, and the climate crisis are on the rise, L'Okapi shows how music is more than mere sound and song. Hereby elevating its role as a cultural artefact and EU's third-largest employer within the creative sector to a vital tool for personal development and social change.

“7 out of 10 people say music is important to their mental health. Yet, musicians are three times more likely to experience anxiety or depression.” 

Sources: WHO, GGZ, Trimbos Instituut,, Record Union.

Our programme

Together with local artists, cultural institutes, healthcare organisations, academics, professionals, youth and local communities, L’Okapi will create a programme at the intersection of music, society and mental well-being. Expect interactive concerts, skill-building workshops, thought-provoking talks, community gatherings, research, and, above all, lots of music. Interested in joining one of the L’Okapi activities or contributing as an organisation, expert, artist or in any other way?
Get in touch!

  • A collaborative and spontaneous music-art-making experience where you can (learn to) express yourself creatively, meet new people, talk about mental well-being, develop new skills, and showcase your talent. The Jungle Unleashed programme consists of two parts; the Workshops and the Connection Event.

    Workshops: Each workshop features a specific music-infused theme, from songwriting to painting or dancing, guided by professional artists and experts. No prior artistic experience is required.
    Connection Event: Participants have the choice and opportunity to present their stories and creations to a broader audience in various formats.

  • From a symposium or panel discussion to a guest lecture or a masterclass. Each Tribe Unleashed event provides an opportunity to meet, share, explore and learn from each other while raising awareness and encouraging action regarding the power of music and the importance of mental well-being.

  • In collaboration with other musicians and artists, Charlotte Haesen will produce new music and one-of-a-kind performances. And she invites you to get involved! From writing songs to guiding the repertoire and sharing your experience after a concert. Expect music that extends far beyond the stage. Hosted in the intimate setting of theaters, cultural centers and festivals.

  • By sharing research findings, interesting facts, best practices, new tools and personal stories, 'Okapi aims to enhance awareness, offer different perspectives and broaden understanding of the connection between music and mental well-being.

Up next

7 SEP 2024

Get to know L'Okapi Music

A meet, greet & tune-in session and closing concert by Charlotte Haesen, Julia Zech, Nico Stallmann, Gustavo Andres Jaramillo and more at PAS Maastricht.

OCT - DEC 2024

In collaboration with @Ease

10 & 31 OCT 2024

DEC 2024

More information will follow.

L’Okapi’s mission

Building awareness and empowering individuals and local communities
through music. To contribute to a healthier and more connected society.


The musical journey of L’Okapi started with Dutch-Burgundian singer songwriter Charlotte Haesen. She has graced many theaters, festivals, and digital platforms with her music and distinct artistic flair. As artistic director, she will take L’Okapi center stage and beyond — into theaters, cultural centres, public places, homes and hearts. Resonating deeply with her own life story and compositions, Charlotte will shape L’Okapi’s soul, sound and programme together with the L’Okapi Team, other artists and various organisations.

charlotte Haesen - credits  Linda Stulic, De Volkskrant

Credits foto: Linda Stulic, De Volkskrant

mind the music

mind the music